The Novice Prospect

YouTube channel shows you game videos from a novice's perspective. TheNoviceProspect also show videos of linux tutorials for beginners.

Sideprojects are my BANE

12 Jul 2022

So it is now way past midnight, I’ve had a 750ml “cup” of coffee, about half an hour ago and I’m almost done with the editing.

see: it wouldn’t be this bad, if I hadn’t decided on 3, well 4, different side projects.. DURING MY EDITING PROCESS

What the heck is wrong with me??? :wink: \

Sideprojects? What Sideprojects???

Sideproject 1 (The Search for a 3rd Screen)

.. now in widescreen, or so I thought..

turns out my DVI to VGA adapter is buggered, so no dice, well until Amazon delivers. \

Side Project 2 (The Search for the Laptop’s Power)

This one was easy, except for me having wiped the laptops ssd, soooo … \

Side Project 2.5 (Linux Install)

Side project 3 (Cleanliness is a nice feature in a B*ong)

What can I say, I like a clean B*ng for my 420 needs :smile: \

And who can forget Side Project 4

.. writing this blog post \