The Novice Prospect

YouTube channel shows you game videos from a novice's perspective. TheNoviceProspect also show videos of linux tutorials for beginners.

Delays (unfortunately) happen

12 Jul 2022

Delays (unfortunately) happen

So I've literally spent most of my day recording 2 hours worth of footage and
starting to edit the raw footage.

Only starting to be really more familiar with Premiere Pro things started out slow,
and then i discovered the feature to generate captions.

What a time saver (I thought).

So I generated all the captions for the footage and started to correct them,
because, as it turns out, one has to *E-NUN-CI-ATE* properly for this work.

And my multi-culti-mix of an accent does not help matters at all.

Anyways, I started adding actual, honest to goodness, chapters in the video.

Then the first time-lapse section. So far so good, all the subtitles/captions
are synched(ish), the chapters are good, lets mark an in, and an out, perfect,
3 minutes and 44 seconds of footage to speed up by 1000%, yes please fix trailing
footage and GO!

And I look at the new, now 50ish seconds long, footage, and it looks as I expect.

Let's work on the next section of caption.



The captions and their timings have stayed where they were before the speed up
of that section!!!


This is fine :smile:

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the tale of why todays video is going to be late