The Novice Prospect

YouTube channel shows you game videos from a novice's perspective. TheNoviceProspect also show videos of linux tutorials for beginners.

Sebastian Meier zu Biesen

Author & Editor

Hello, my name is Sebastian and I like PC games (since I was about 7 years old)!

I remember playing the original MS Flight Simulator in glorious CGA (if memory serves well, which is questionable at my age :laughing: )

I have served computer users the world over in my capacity as “Tech Support Engineer” for 20+ years.

(At some point I swore to myself, that one more call starting with:

My printer is not printing!

would have me loose my mind :joy: )

Time to find another occupation!
Again: I like PC games! So might as well combine what I like doing, with something I have not done before.

And through all my years of witnessing the growth of the PC’s capabilities, and the awe-inspiring environments, developers have lovingly crafted, one thing remained constant for me.

The feeling of looking at something new, with no idea of what’s going on, and discovering a(ny) game from scratch.

Let me share in that journey …

Jun 2022
